Friday, November 8, 2019

Patriotism- john brown, carrie nation, sam adams essays

Patriotism- john brown, carrie nation, sam adams essays A true patriot is far greater than many of the people who use the term to describe themselves as such. Patriot is a term that should not be taken lightly, nor given to someone easily. A true patriot has earned his title. He has wisdom that others may not. A patriot must be willing to defend his country and sacrifice his life for it. A patriot is not an individualist. A patriot is concerned with the good of the whole, the good of the entire country. A patriot supports the elected authority and has respect for them and their decisions, although he may have his own opinions. A patriot should pay attention to leaders and their decisions, searching for imperfections that may lead to corruption and fight to stop those imperfections. A patriot must not rebel violently against the leader, but fight lawfully, making himself and his opinion known on the certain issue/s that he wants to be changed. He must know it is possible to stand behind his leader, while challenging his actions and finding the appropriate way to do so. A patriot seeks for the best interest of the country and upholds its standards, preserving the good name of his country that others have worked so hard to create. A patriot realizes that people in Germany or France are just as significant as Americans and have a respect for human life everywhere. A patriot should respect the land, and keep it safe, in no way soiling its grounds. A patriot should keep true the words of Hamilton Fish; If a country is worth dying for in time of war, let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace. A Patriot should respect his fellow countrymen, never inflicting upon them hurt, suffering or wrong-doing. A patriot knows that his country is not superior just because he was born into it. A true patriot must be an ally to all humans, going against the words of Voltaire. be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind. A patr...

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